What You Should Know Before Knee Surgery: A Guide for Patients

By October 3, 2023 Knee Doctor

Knee surgery is a significant medical procedure that can improve your quality of life and mobility in South Florida. Whether you’re considering a knee replacement, knee arthroscopy, or any other type of knee surgery, being well-informed and prepared is crucial for a successful outcome. 

Here’s a simple guide from our team on what you should know before undergoing knee surgery.

Consultation and Evaluation

Before scheduling knee surgery, consult with an orthopedic surgeon like those found at OSI to discuss your symptoms, medical history, and overall health. Our team will evaluate your condition, recommend appropriate tests, and discuss the potential benefits and risks of the procedure.

Understanding the Knee Surgery Procedure

Educate yourself about the specific type of knee surgery recommended for your condition. Learn about the surgical technique, expected outcomes, recovery process, and any potential complications. A clear understanding of the procedure will help you set realistic expectations and reduce anxiety.

Preoperative Preparation (aka Pre-Op)

Follow your surgeon’s instructions regarding what to do before your knee surgery. This may include lifestyle adjustments, medications to discontinue, fasting requirements, and any preoperative exercises or physical therapy. The better your pre-op, the easier the surgery can be and the better you’ll be for recovery.

Recovery Expectations

Discuss the expected recovery timeline and rehabilitation process with your surgeon. Understand the level of activity you’ll be able to engage in during each phase of recovery and any restrictions you need to adhere to.

Potential Risks and Complications

Being informed about potential risks and complications is crucial. Ask your surgeon about any potential adverse effects of the surgery, and be sure to ask how they’ll be managed. This information will help you make an informed decision and prepare for possible postoperative challenges.

Post-Op Care

Know what to expect in terms of postoperative care, including wound care, pain management, medication, physical therapy, and follow-up appointments. Understanding and adhering to these guidelines will aid in a smooth recovery.

Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation

Understand the role of physical therapy and rehabilitation in your recovery. Commit to the exercises laid out by your PT team and rehabilitation program. This will help you optimize healing, strengthen the knee, and regain mobility. At OSI, we’ve got one of the best physical therapy teams in Florida

Diet and Nutrition

Discuss any dietary guidelines with your healthcare team. A balanced diet can support the healing process and help manage weight, which is important for successful knee surgery outcomes.

Ask Questions

Don’t hesitate to ask any questions or voice concerns you may have before the surgery. Your surgeon and healthcare team are there to support you and provide the information you need to feel confident in your decision. We’re here for YOU.

Being well-informed and mentally prepared before knee surgery is essential for a successful outcome! At Orthopedic Specialty Institute, our team has experience with a variety of knee issues. When they happen, athletes need a group they can trust! OSI offers diagnosis, surgery and repair for injuries as well as a world-class physical therapy team to get athletes back on the field. If you’re worried about how a knee injury or other major issue could affect your athletic performance and daily living, give us a call at 954-866-9699 or schedule an appointment with us