OSI Unpacks the Biggest Benefits of Great Physical Therapy

By March 8, 2023 Blog

You’ve undergone surgery for an injury and now you’re ready for the next step of the healing process — physical therapy. Those who’ve gone through PT before know that a great physical therapy team can be an added bonus to the healing process. However, if you’ve never gone through physical therapy, the process can feel daunting. At Orthopedic Specialty Institute, our team prides itself on giving exceptional service and care to our patients. In this blog post, we’re going to talk through the best parts of physical therapy. 

Pain Relief

One of the primary goals of physical therapy is to help patients manage (or eradicate) their pain. Physical therapists use a variety of techniques to alleviate pain, including massage, exercise, and stretching. These techniques not only help patients feel better, but they also promote healing and prevent further injury.

Improved Mobility

Another benefit of physical therapy is improved mobility. Physical therapists work with patients to improve their range of motion, flexibility, and balance. This can be especially helpful for individuals who have experienced a stroke or other neurological conditions, as well as those who have suffered a sports-related injury. Sometimes our patients find that their mobility surpasses what it was pre-injury! 

Personalized Treatment Plans

Physical therapy isn’t a one-size-fits-all approach. Each patient is unique, and physical therapists take the time to develop personalized treatment plans based on their individual needs and goals. This means that patients receive treatment that is tailored to their specific condition and recovery goals.

Education and Empowerment

Physical therapists like those on our staff go beyond treating patients — educating them about their condition and how to manage it. Patients learn about their body mechanics and how to move and exercise safely to prevent further injury. At OSI, we know that knowledge is power. Knowing more about your body and your injury empowers patients to take control of their health and make informed decisions about their care.

Supportive Environment

Physical therapy sessions are often held in a supportive and encouraging environment. Patients work with physical therapists who are compassionate and knowledgeable, and who provide positive reinforcement and guidance throughout the treatment process. This supportive environment can be particularly helpful for patients who are dealing with chronic pain or long-term conditions.

Improved Quality of Life

Ultimately, the best part of physical therapy is the improvement in the quality of life that patients experience. Physical therapy helps patients regain their independence and perform everyday activities with greater ease. It can also improve mood and self-confidence, and reduce the need for pain medication. This can have a profound impact on a patient’s overall well-being and quality of life.

The doctors, surgeons, and staff at the Orthopedic Specialty Institute are fully dedicated to taking care of our patients from the first consultation until they are fully recovered. Part of that journey requires exceptional Physical Therapy. Our team is here to make sure your road to recovery is paved with experience, success, and quality care. If you’re tired of struggling through post-op living or want to be proactive toward the pain you’re feeling, give us a call at 954-866-9699 or request an appointment with our team